The evolution of my travel photography gear is probably fairly typical of most photographers and in retrospect, makes me laugh when I think back to when I started. When you first start off, you bring all of the lenses and all gear with you and pray you haven’t forgotten that one crucial item! I remember having sleepless nights over these types of things.

Whereas now, I’ve been a photographer for more than 20 years and I am almost completely the opposite. My focus now is to take as little with me as possible. I’m focused on lightweight gear because trust me, it is no fun carrying around a heavy bag all day, even if you are in good shape. Aside from your gear, you also need to contend with the elements (wind, rain, heat, humidity, dust etc.), time is also a factor and in some cases, you might have to with crowds. You also have to factor in that you should be enjoying yourself, otherwise, what is the point?

Depending on whether I will be in or around water, this is generally what I will take with me when I travel now:

  • Camera Body (I have both Dslrs and mirrorless) Mirrorless are generally lighter

  • 2-3 lenses maximum chosen specifically for the location I am going. For example, one prime and a wide angle zoom like canon’s RF 24-105mm

  • Small lightweight collapsible tripod

  • Portable hard drive (I like the Lacie rugged drives)

  • Battery charger with multiple batteries

  • Microfiber lens white and a small blower

  • Lens hood

  • ND Filter

  • Memory cards and portable card reader

  • Hardtop Waterproof memory card case

  • Macbook Pro laptop

  • Plastic rain hood for camera

I shoot video with my camera body but for some situations, I like to just take my GoPro too.

For my GoPro:

  • Extendable mini tripod

  • Waterproof handle (if needed)

  • Batteries & battery holder case

  • Battery charger

  • Mini portable card reader

  • Multiple memory cards

  • Multiple Batteries and charger

  • A mount - if I’m going to be kayaking or hiking

Other Essentials

I also carry a waterproof bag (I like my Earth Pak bag) so I’m prepared for any weather condition and especially useful if I’m wading in water for shots. If I am heading to a beach area, I have small flat waterproof bag I can strap to my waist for my iphone, keys and money in case I want to have a swim and I’m on my own! (you can find these on Amazon)

Tile mates or other trackers - I always stick one with my camera gear in case I get separated from it (highly unlikely but you never know!)

Foam Padding or padded travel bag, I use this around my lenses and camera body


